Lesson planning + how to plan lessons

Lesson planning + how to plan lessons

If you are looking to succeed in your studies, one of the most important things you need to do is have a lesson plan. Planning helps you to do everything right and calculated and predetermined and achieve the success you have in mind. In this article, we are going to examine how lesson planning should be done and we will express some examples of lesson planning. So stay tuned to the end of the article for more information.

Lesson planning + how to plan lessons

Curriculum; Tips you should know!

Before going to the main topic and the pillars of curriculum planning, we state once again that curriculum planning is an important and vital step for academic success. By planning, you can use your time in the best possible way. In the following, we have given tips for effective lesson planning, which you will definitely get good results by applying them.

  • First step: determining the goal

First of all, you should define your educational goal. You should know how you intend to finish the lessons and what results you would like to achieve. At this stage, you should be completely honest with yourself and set lesson goals in a way that will be most productive. But not at any cost!

For example, you shouldn't take your lesson setting too easy, so that you don't reach the desired targets, or you shouldn't do it too hard, so that you stop in the middle of the way and don't want to continue!

  • Second step: Planning for time

Timing is the most important part of planning. Planning your time will help you do your studies and daily activities well. Creating a regular schedule will help you know when you need to do everything and avoid overdoing and wasting time.

  • The third step: Prioritizing lessons

Knowing the important and difficult lessons for you and creating priorities for studying them is another important thing in planning. You should arrange the lessons in order of importance and consider more time for more difficult and important lessons.

  • Step 4: Create a regular study schedule

Now that you've gotten to work, it's time to develop a regular study schedule. In this program, you should determine the time to rest, study and do other things and try to go according to it during the day.

Lesson planning + how to plan lessons
  • The fifth step: Having a suitable environment for studying and discipline in execution

Do not neglect the importance of the right place to study! You should choose a suitable environment for studying that will help you focus better. Quiet and relaxing environment! A place where you can focus on studying away from any noise and worries. You should also know that planning without discipline in its implementation is completely useless. So you should stick to the schedule and update it if necessary.

  • Sixth step: Using different learning methods

Keep in mind that everyone has different ways of learning. Try out which learning methods work best for you and use them. This is very important because if you choose the wrong method, it will be boring for you and you will lose your motivation after a while! Don't forget that it is very important to stay motivated on the learning path.

  • Seventh step: Having management to rest

Some people take lesson planning too rigidly, while having rest and diversity in planning is very important, and you should allocate time for rest and recreation in your planning. You should also update your schedule after a while and be flexible. Life may have unexpected events that may change your plans. Be prepared to adapt to these changes!

Finally, it should be said that the most important point in curriculum planning is determination. So, if you intend to have a lesson plan, you must be determined to achieve success.

Example of daily and weekly planning

In this section, we are going to express two examples of daily and weekly lesson planning. But before that, you should know that the curriculum of each person will be different according to the needs and conditions of that person. But as a general example, you can use the following planning and then create a suitable plan according to your conditions.

daily schedule

To have a daily schedule, you should consider a whole day for studying and learning. For example, from 9 am to 6 pm. This is enough time to focus on some of your lessons. You should follow the table below to have a daily schedule.

9:00 to 9:30 Set aside time to plan your day and set your goals for today.
9:30 to 11:00 Devote to the main and most important lesson of the day and focus fully on learning.
11:00 to 11:30 Take a short break
11:15 to 12:30 Go to the second and more important lesson and plan what parts you want to read.
12:30 to 1:30 It's lunch time. Use healthy and nutritious foods to maintain your energy properly. Assign to another lesson. You may need more time than the allotted time for more technical or theoretical courses.
3:00 to 3:15 short break
3:15 to 4:30 Allocate your time to the fourth lesson or to questions and repeating the material.
4:30 to 5:00 Time for fun and relaxation
5:00 to 6:00 Devote your time to smaller lessons or exercises related to the lessons.

Weekly planning

Weekly planning can also help you to keep track of your progress and regularly dedicate time to your lessons and activities. Below is an example of weekly planning.

Saturday Reviewing lessons and studying new topics that will be discussed next week
Sunday to Wednesday Focusing on lessons and repeating the main and secondary content
Thursday The appointed time to refer to the teacher and ask questions and ambiguities that may arise during the week
Friday : A day of fun and rest. Do what you like and enjoy your rest day.

What effect does lesson planning have on success?

As the last topic, we are going to examine the question of what effects having a lesson plan will have on your academic success, which we have examined the most important effects of.

1. Improving academic performance: having a regular and detailed lesson plan, people can study and learn the material in the best possible way. This will improve their academic performance and achieve more successful results in exams and projects.

Lesson planning + how to plan lessons

2. Increasing concentration and attention: with proper timing and determining the priority of lessons, people focus in the best possible way. This issue increases cognitive abilities and concentration in a person.

3. Reducing stress and anxiety: lesson planning allows people to prepare for exams and projects in the best way. This reduces the stress and anxiety associated with success in exams.

4. Better time management: lesson planning helps a person to manage his time in the best possible way and devote himself to studying and learning more. This makes more time efficient and avoids wasting time.

5. Increasing motivation and self-confidence: by achieving small and big goals in lesson planning, people will find more motivation and self-confidence. This motivation and self-confidence makes them enjoy more efforts to achieve their goals.

6. Improving management skills: lesson planning helps a person improve his time management and planning skills. These skills are very useful not only in academic field but also in daily and professional life.

In general, lesson planning improves academic performance, reduces stress, increases concentration and attention, better time management, and increases motivation and self-confidence. Together, these factors contribute to the success and progress of a person in education and personal life


In this article, we examined what lesson planning is and how we can have a successful lesson planning. We also looked at how planning can affect our academic success.

We hope that this topic has been useful for you and that you can have a calculated and correct lesson plan with the help of it.

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