Immigrate to Canada and obtain permanent and temporary residence in Canada

Immigrate to Canada and obtain permanent and temporary residence in Canada

Today, Canada has become one of the main destinations for tourists, students, investors, doctors, etc. The low population and the need for skilled and specialized personnel have made this country one of the most suitable places for immigrants in the world. If you have considered immigrating to Canada as your main goal to continue your life, How Follow to the end of this article.

How to immigrate to Canada?

If you are planning to continue your education in Canada as a student or if you want to find a suitable job in this country as a worker, you can apply for this country through educational and work immigration. You may even immigrate to Canada with the intention of investing and want to become a resident there.

In general, immigration to Canada is done for various reasons such as investment, education, work, treatment, tourism, marriage, birth of a child, etc. All these migrations have their own rules and conditions, which naturally, knowledge about each one will bring you more comfort during migrations. In this article, the ways through which you can immigrate to Canada have been examined.

1. Immigrate to Canada through work

Immigrating to Canada through work is one of the methods that will open your way to this country. Immigrating to Canada through work requires obtaining a work visa to this country. Canada issues various work visas for job applicants in Canada, which you can choose for your immigration depending on your conditions.

Immigrate to Canada and obtain permanent and temporary residence in Canada
Work immigration to Canada

If you have high expertise and skills in jobs required by Canada, you can easily get these visas for yourself and immigrate to this country. Job Offer, Skill Worker, Skill Trade, etc. are programs prepared for the immigration of applicants to Canada, and each of them has different conditions from the other. The difference between these methods is in the type and skill level of the applicant and the job offer from a Canadian employer.

For example, if you have a job offer from a Canadian employer, you can do your immigration work through Job Offer. This is in the case that immigrating to Canada through the Skilled Worker program focuses only on your skills. So, if you have high skills in the jobs needed in this country, you can easily immigrate to Canada.

2. Immigration to Canada through investment

Immigrate to Canada and obtain permanent and temporary residence in Canada
Immigrate to Canada through investment

Investment is another way that will pave the way for your immigration to Canada. There are various ways to invest in Canada, such as buying property, entrepreneurship, registering a company, and paying capital to the market, some of which lead to permanent residence, and some of which will not bring you such an advantage. Applicants who intend to obtain an investment visa and immigrate to Canada can choose one of the most appropriate investment options in Canada according to the conditions and plans they have for their investment in this country.

3. Immigration to Canada through education

Immigrate to Canada and obtain permanent and temporary residence in Canada
Educational immigration to Canada

Studying in Canada is another way to immigrate to this country. Students of different degrees will need a study visa in order to be able to continue their education in a country like Canada and complete it. Obtaining a study visa from Canada It means allowing you to enter this country to study.

People who plan to work immediately after their studies can apply for studying in Canadian colleges. Canadian colleges are courses where skill training is prioritized. That is why you can easily find your favorite job after completing this course. One of the advantages of this method of immigration is that after working and living in this country for a few years, you can benefit from the advantage of permanent residence in this country.

Scholarship is another privilege that you can get if you need it. If you meet the requirements for admission to Canadian universities, but you cannot afford your education expenses, you can use the scholarship.

4. Immigration to Canada through marriage

Immigrate to Canada and obtain permanent and temporary residence in Canada
Immigration through marriage

Emigration due to marriage in Canada is one of the ways to enter the country. This method of immigration is done by sponsoring a spouse who has permanent residence in Canada or is considered a citizen of this country. By immigrating to Canada through marriage, you can easily obtain residence in this country; But you should also pay attention to the fact that obtaining Canadian residency in this way requires compliance with special conditions that both parties must be aware of.

Conditions of the sponsor:

  • Be a permanent resident or citizen of Canada and be at least 18 years old.
  • To have the ability to cover his wife’s expenses for three years.
  • A person must not have been convicted of sexual crimes, threats, crimes against individuals, violence against family in Canada or its suburbs.
  • As long as the sponsored person comes to this country as a permanent resident, the person must give a commitment to the Canadian government that he will reside in this country.
  • At the time of application, the person must not have another partner or spouse.
  • Has not been sponsored by anyone else in the last five years.

Sponsor Terms:

  • At least 16 years old.
  • Be aware of your obligations and duties towards your spouse.

A person who succeeds in obtaining permanent residence in Canada must live together with his spouse for two years. Otherwise, even after that year, his residence will be invalidated.

5. Immigration due to the birth of a child in Canada

If, as the parents of your child, you intend to immigrate to a country like Canada, you can obtain the citizenship of this country for your child. For this, you will need a birth visa. But also pay attention to the fact that the law of citizenship of children in Canada is based on the principle of soil. Based on this principle, children who are born in Canada can easily obtain the citizenship of this country.

Immigrate to Canada and obtain permanent and temporary residence in Canada
Child birth immigration in Canada

The rights and benefits of having a child in Canada include the right to free education or social benefits in this country. In addition, a child born to immigrating parents in this country will have the right to reside in Canada or travel to Canada at any time without the need for a visa.

in the end

Canada is one of the most ideal places in the world for immigration. Every year, this country attracts many people for various reasons such as education, investment, work, etc. Each of these migrations has its own visa and one visa cannot be used for another migration. In addition, all these migrations have their own rules and conditions, knowing them you can migrate as easily as possible. For this reason, in this article, we have provided you with valuable information about how to immigrate to Canada and explained the various reasons for doing this in detail.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the demand to immigrate to Canada and get a visa in this country more than other countries?

The low population and the need for skilled and specialized personnel have turned this country into one of the most immigrating places in the world, which is the destination of most students, investors, doctors, etc. in Canada.

Can you get a work visa from Canada?

Yes, Canada issues different work visas for job applicants in Canada, which you can choose for your immigration depending on your conditions.

Is it possible to get an investment visa from Canada?

Yes, there are various ways to invest in Canada, such as buying property, entrepreneurship, registering a company and paying capital to the market, some of which lead to permanent residence.

Can the child’s parents get a Canadian visa?

Yes, pay attention to the fact that the law of citizenship of a child in Canada is based on the principle of land, which means that the child must have been born in Canada.

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