How to get a Canadian study visa

How to get a Canadian study visa

Obtaining a Canadian study visa The easiest way to stay in Canada. Canada is one of the largest and most popular countries for studying. Today, many students are looking to study in colleges and universities of this country; But here is the question.How to get a Canadian study visa?“and conditions and”What are the procedures for obtaining a Canadian study visa?

To travel to Canada, you must have one of the visas of this country. In fact, the easiest way to stay in Canada is a student visa. Of course, many young people only intend to study in this country and do not want to continue living there.

Study visa allows students to stay and live in Canada. Often for 6-month programs, there is no need to obtain a study visa; But for courses that last longer than this, you need to get a study visa.

Obtaining a Canadian study visa It has its own conditions and documents. We suggest to follow along How Be more familiar with the conditions for obtaining a Canadian study visa.

How to get a Canadian study visa

Everything you need to know about getting a Canadian study visa

There are two ways to get a study visa. In the first method, you have to apply online through the relevant website or fill out the relevant forms. This form can be obtained through the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship website, CIC. Written requests often take twice as long as online methods; Therefore, it is better to consider your conditions and the time required to review the request before doing anything.

How to immigrate to Canada?

All ways to immigrate to Canada

You need a credit or debit card for online registration. It is also necessary to scan the documents. Often, the passport office provides the list of required documents to the applicants. If you encounter a problem, ask for help from one of these offices.

Procedures for obtaining a Canadian study visa online

If you are a student and you intend to study at one of the prestigious Canadian universities, you must first have an acceptance letter from the university. In the following, in order to provide you with sufficient information, we will describe in detail all the steps of obtaining an online visa.

How to get a Canadian study visa

Getting admission from Canadian universities

Before any action, you must receive an official and standard letter from one of the higher education institutions you intend to study in. It should be noted that some students who have studied in Quebec must receive an agreement called CAQ from the Quebec government in order to study in Canada. This letter can be received from the university online or in person.

Receive the study visa package

At this stage, you must receive the Canadian study visa package from one of the following three methods:

  • Canadian embassy in the country of origin;
  • Passport Office;
  • CIC site.

Some people who live in certain countries may need to obtain a temporary residence permit. This stage also goes along with the necessary follow-ups to get the study permit.

Complete the questions form on the CIC website

In order to receive a Canadian study visa package, you must answer a few questions about yourself on the CIC website. These questions determine whether you have the necessary conditions to get a Canadian visa or not?! Also, the list of required documents will be provided to you after answering these questions.

How to get a Canadian study visa

Receive verification code and interview

This stage is one of the most exciting parts of getting a study visa; Because if your conditions are accepted on the CIC site, a confirmation code will be sent to you. Note that this code is only valid for 60 days.

We recommend that you print the page where this code is inserted; Because you need it for the next steps. This page contains a guide sheet for submitting an application, estimated tuition and a list of required documents.

Needless to say, some applicants have to go to one of the passport offices where they live for an interview and to answer a number of questions.

Conditions for obtaining a Canadian study visa

The most important part of getting a study visa in Canada is having the necessary conditions to enter and study in this country. To get admission in one of the Canadian universities, you must first meet the following conditions:

  • English or French language certificate according to the relevant university, such as IELTS with a score of 6 and above;
  • having a GPA above 14 in the final three years of high school;
  • Passing entrance exam and university of Iran for some fields.

It should be noted that student transcripts are not required at the admission stage; Of course, according to the conditions of each university, this issue is different.

How to get a Canadian study visa

Age requirements for obtaining a study visa

In general, the age of education in Canada is considered to be before 18 years old for studying in schools in this country and up to 40 years old for doctoral studies.

Some applicants for study visas are not very interested in studying at a university and obtaining an academic degree, so these people can study in colleges. College courses are often offered to people between the ages of 16 and 24. After studying in college, you can easily enter the job market in this country.

Note that you need to be 23 years old to study for a bachelor's degree, 28 years old for a master's degree, and 35 years old for a doctorate. Of course, all these conditions vary according to the desired field.

Documents required to obtain a Canadian study visa

To get a visa, after completing the necessary forms, receiving admission from the university and having appropriate age requirements, you must prepare the necessary documents. These documents include the following:

  • scan of your valid passport;
  • Translation of the applicant's last three academic years and sending it in PDF form;
  • birth certificate translation;
  • Admission Fee;
  • residential address, contact number and postal code;
  • providing proof of no bad history and medical tests;
  • Completing the relevant form, including the name of the parents.

Note that for people from Asia and Africa applying for a Canadian study visa, biological identification documents such as photos and fingerprints are also required.

How to get a Canadian study visa

Obtaining a study visa with a diploma

Many people intend to enter Canada with their diploma and continue their studies. These people, like other applicants, are able to study at a college or university. College education is often a better choice for these individuals; because after that they are able to enter the labor market.

Note that after college, you have the ability to continue your studies in the universities of this country and you have the possibility to register to continue your studies. In general, the best time to enter college or university is after high school; However, depending on the field and university you are applying for, you can have a gap between 1 and 6 years between your studies.

Obtaining a study visa without a language certificate

It is not necessary to submit a language certificate to study in Canada in CA courses; But without a doubt, having this degree is a positive point for you. To study in AA and AS courses, it is necessary to provide a language certificate according to the conditions of the university.

Needless to say, if you meet the other requirements for studying in Canada, you can participate in college language courses and learn French or English.

The cost of studying in Canada

Undoubtedly, one of the issues that you should pay attention to before applying for a study visa in Canada is the upfront costs. In fact, it is necessary to have financial resources every year to study in this country.

According to the chosen field, the college of admission, the type of residence and citizenship, the tuition fee is different. In general, the cost of college for people who are Canadian citizens, born in this country, or who have lived in Canada for more than 5 years (primary education) is about half of foreign students.

The cost of obtaining a Canadian study visa

Various things are involved in estimating the necessary costs for studying in Canada; But we must say that the cost of studying in this country is almost half of the cost of studying in America. In general, the cost of obtaining a study visa for Canada depends on the following:

  • Field of study: The chosen field has a great influence on the costs. For example, studying arts is much cheaper than medical fields such as dentistry and pharmacy.
  • The type of university: whether the university is public or private, like Iranian universities, is effective in costs.
  • Degree: Bachelor's degree is often more expensive than master's degree and doctorate.
  • National and global ranking of the university.

Also, the city where the college or university is located has an impact on the tax costs and the average cost of living of the applicant.

How to get a Canadian study visa

The duration of obtaining a Canadian study visa

The duration of the review of the submitted documents and the conditions of the applicant are different according to the university and the city of study. Often this period takes at least 4 to 6 weeks; Also, sometimes these reviews take nearly 20 weeks.

It should be noted that due to the high demand for studying in Canada, this course may take a long time. Also, if the applicant applies for a visa near the end of his academic year, this period will be a little longer.

Benefits of obtaining a Canadian study visa

Canada is one of the safest countries in the world. For this reason, many people want to immigrate to this country. Also, due to the existence of prestigious universities with high academic level in Canada, many young people are in favor of studying in this land.

One of the ways to immigrate to Canada is to get a student visa. Admission to one of the Canadian colleges brings the following advantages:

  • Obtaining a Canadian visa;
  • temporary academic residence;
  • obtaining visas for parents;
  • Obtaining a visa for a person's companion;
  • obtaining a temporary work visa;
  • Full-time work permit for student companion.

Many parents are also looking for their child's education in the colleges of this country. In fact, by studying in Canadian colleges and passing a number of course units, teenagers acquire the necessary conditions to enter the labor market in many fields.

How to get a Canadian study visa

last word

Canada attracts many people due to its favorable economic and security conditions. Many young people want to study in this country. In order to obtain a Canadian study visa, documents and conditions are required, which we discussed in this article.

Also, having financial ability is effective in obtaining a visa. In general, in order to study in this country, you must have the necessary conditions in terms of age, educational qualifications, financial ability, language certificate and other mentioned items.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many ways can we get a Canadian study visa?

Two methods, in this article we have reviewed both methods (online and written), so that you can choose one of these two methods according to your conditions.

Do we need to get admission from Canadian universities to get a Canadian study visa?

Yes, before any action, you must receive an official and standard letter from one of the higher education institutions you intend to study in.

Is there an age limit for studying in Canada?

Yes, the age of study in Canada is from before 18 years old to study in schools in this country and up to 40 years old for doctoral studies.

How long does it take to get a Canadian student visa?

Often this period takes at least 4 to 6 weeks; Also, sometimes these reviews take nearly 20 weeks.

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