How to get 20 in math exam

How to get 20 in math exam

Mathematics has always been one of the most challenging subjects for most students. Especially for those students who have not studied this lesson with the class since the beginning of the academic year. Now, as the exam season approaches, the question arises, how to study math in the short time ahead to get the best possible result in the math exam? In this article from the site How You will learn the tips you need to get the best result in the math exam. So join us.

How to study for a math test

How to get 20 in math exam

First of all, it is necessary to note that mathematics is not a subject that can be studied on the night of the exam. Mathematics is one of the subjects that should be given special attention during the academic year and should be taught step by step with the class and the teacher’s teaching. However, many students may remember to study it at the time of the exam. As a result, in this section, we will teach you how to prepare yourself for the math exam in the shortest time.

1- Read the textbook of each section completely:

The first thing you need to do is to study the textbook of each part of the math course. Without mastering the concepts and general structure of each section, you will not be able to solve the questions in your math exam. However, just reading the textbook is not a sufficient condition to get a high grade in this course. But the most basic thing you should do to prepare for the math exam is to study the textbook.

2- Refer to the sample questions of each section:

How to get 20 in math exam

A very important point about the math lesson is that not all sections of the textbook are required to solve the questions of that section. Normally, the textbook of mathematics lessons is as follows.

  • History of the topic
  • Proof of the main formulas of that topic
  • Formulas, transformations and methods of solving the questions of that topic

When you refer to the sample questions of the topic you want, you will know which part of the textbook is needed to solve the questions of that topic. As a result, you will get an overview of the areas you should focus on.

3- Taking notes from the important parts of each topic:

After you find the important parts of each topic, go back to the textbook and start taking notes from those parts. Math is one of the subjects that is quickly forgotten. As a result, to get the best result, it is necessary to note the important parts of each chapter. These important sections include the following:

  • Important formulas of the topic
  • Important conversions of each topic (if any)
  • Algorithm and method of solving questions

These tips will help you in two aspects of your math learning. One, by taking notes, your mind will get a better understanding of the material, and two, you won’t need to spend time and study the whole topic to review the section.

4- Solving related questions (including exercises at the end of the lesson and questions solved in class):

How to get 20 in math exam

Now that you have read the textbook and taken notes from its important parts, it is time to solve the sample questions. Remember that without solving sample questions you will have little chance in the exam session. So, the most important thing you should do to prepare for the math exam is to solve sample questions.

To solve sample questions, start from the last questions of each topic and solve them completely on paper. You don’t need to solve all the questions of each topic, but solve the questions in multiples of 3 or 4. Because the questions that are placed one after the other are similar to each other and you will not need to solve all those questions.

After solving the questions in the book, refer to the questions that the teacher has solved in class. Usually, teachers and math professors are interested in specific types of math questions, which are exactly the same as the questions they solve over and over again in class.

If you were not present in the classroom, you can ask your classmates about these questions.

5- Solve the questions of the past exams:

How to get 20 in math exam

After you have gone through the above four steps, you can say that you have reached the necessary preparation for the math exam in front of you.

Now you can review the questions of the past semesters to get to know more about the way of math exam questions in front of you. If you are a student, you can take the questions of the professor’s previous semesters from your upper semesters and solve them once. This will help you get a much better result in your math exam.

How to succeed in the math exam

The way to succeed in the math exam

Studying math lessons during the semester or academic year

As we said, math is not a subject that you want to postpone learning and studying until exam time. If you want to get the best result in Final math exam It is necessary to study this lesson well during the semester and solve many questions from it. Especially if the topics of this lesson are needed in your future studies, it is necessary to learn this lesson through a basic plan.

Here are the things you need to do to learn math:

1- Join the classroom:

By now, you must have noticed the difference between mathematics and other subjects. In the math exam, what is really important is to get the correct answer. So, if you have memorized the math textbook, but you can’t get the questions to the final answer, it is practically worthless.

What you need for each math question is fully discussed in the classroom. So for every student who wants to get the best results in the math exam, it is necessary to join the classroom.

In fact, you will get to know the idea that leads to solving the questions in the classroom. As a result, you will find the ability to solve complex mathematical problems. Also, if you are a little clever, you can write down the parts that the relevant professor gives more maneuvers on and focus more on those parts for your math exam.

2- Reviewing what was said in each session:

After the end of each lesson, review what was said during that session. By reviewing each session, the contents will open their place in your brain and will remain in your mind. After reviewing the topics, solve the questions that were solved in class and solve them completely once and explain them to yourself.

3- Don’t neglect the connection between math chapters:

How to get 20 in math exam

In mathematics, each chapter is like a piece of a big puzzle. As a result, in order to have a good view of the concepts of the next chapters, it is necessary to have the outline of the previous chapters in your mind. As a result, if you have neglected the previous chapters of the math lesson, it is possible that you will not be able to understand the current chapters of your math lesson.

If so, we advise you to go back a little and study the material taught.

4- After finishing each topic, solve sample questions:

How to get 20 in math exam

As we mentioned before, solving math questions is the most necessary step to understand this lesson. The best time to solve math questions is when the teaching of a semester is completed. As you know, teaching each chapter of mathematics takes a long time, and it is quite normal that you have forgotten the basic contents of that chapter. So to review and evaluate your learning after the end of each chapter, solve sample questions from that chapter. Then find the parts you have trouble with and re-read them.

5- Prepare ahead of time for your math exam:

Do not delay studying math until the last day. Depending on the amount of material, read and solve the questions from a few days to a few weeks before the exam, and devote the last days to reviewing and solving sample questions.

By doing the things mentioned, you can get the best result in your math exam and also get a deep understanding of math topics.

final word

By doing the things mentioned, you can get the best result in your math exam and also get a deep understanding of math topics. Maybe you think math is a heavy subject, but we need to remind you that every subject has its own characteristics. As you study a subject like literature differently from a subject like physics, it is necessary to study mathematics in its own way. Basically, the difficulty of this lesson depends to a great extent on your study style.

By doing the above strategies, over time, you will find a more complete and better view of what you should have in mind to learn math lessons.

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