How to avoid the torment and pressure of the grave

How to avoid the torment and pressure of the grave

We all know that apart from Almighty God, no creature in this world has survival and eternal life, and therefore all of us creatures will die one day. Also, we all believe that God Almighty is just, and for this reason, His justice demands that He punishes the oppressor and rewards the person who was pious and benevolent to other beings. As mentioned in many verses and traditions, this is important. For example, in the last 2 verses of Surah Zelzal, we read: These 2 verses clearly show that even the smallest good or evil deed is not hidden from God’s calculation point of view.

Therefore, surely on the Day of Resurrection, the small and big actions of people will be calculated and therefore heaven will be the place of pious people who have not neglected to serve God and His creation for a moment in this world. Also, hell is a bad place for oppressors and people who have continuously violated God’s commandments and have lived in this world in an evil way.

Now a question arises that after death and before the arrival of the Day of Judgment (that is, in the world of the grave), will the people who die be punished for the sins they have committed or not? In other words, will unbelievers be punished only in the resurrection or will they not be safe from divine punishment in the grave?

When we refer to Islamic texts, we realize that sinners will suffer in the world of the grave. Of course, according to some traditions, almost all people will experience the pressure of the grave. But this should also be considered, some sins cause the pressure of the grave to increase and some actions also cause the pressure of the grave to decrease.

Since many dear readers definitely seek to be safe from the torment and pressure of the grave, some factors that cause the pressure of the grave to decrease or increase will be mentioned below. Certainly, learning and acting on these factors plays an important role in increasing or decreasing the pressure of the grave.

How to avoid the torment and pressure of the grave

A: Factors to reduce grave pressure

In the narrations, several factors have been introduced to reduce the pressure of the grave, some of which are:

1: Night prayer: A tradition has been narrated from Imam Reza (peace be upon him) whose content is that if someone prays 11 rakats in the middle of the night (8 rakats with the intention of the night prayer, 2 rakats with the intention of the Shafa prayer and 1 rakat with the intention of the Witr prayer). , and in the final rakat of his prayer, he asks for forgiveness 70 times, he will be safe from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of hell. (1)

How to pray the night prayer

2: Complete bowing: Imam Jawad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever performs his ruku’ah will not enter the grave.”

It is also necessary to mention this point. What is meant by complete bowing is that in the bowing he performs, he observes all the obligations and mustahabs related to bowing.

3: Compromise with husband: Another one of the issues due to which the Almighty God relieves or removes the pressure of the grave is the woman’s reconciliation with her husband. As we read in the narration: “Three women, may God remove the punishment of the grave, and let them be together with Fatimah bint Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): A woman who is patient against other spouses, and a woman who is patient against evil.” There are three categories of women that God Almighty removes from them the torment of the grave and unites them with Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her): a woman who is patient with her husband’s jealousy, a woman who is patient with her husband’s bad manners, and a woman who gives her dowry to her husband. forgives. (3)

4: Visiting the grave of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him): By studying some other narrations, it can be found that the pilgrimage of Sayyed al-Shohada (peace be upon him) in Karbala Ma’ali is also considered as one of the reasons to be safe from the pressure of the grave.

As an example, it is included in a narration as follows: “If we were to know our people in visiting the grave of Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) from the grace of death… If people knew what virtues they would get in the pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), they would die of excitement….Whoever goes to the pilgrimage of the martyrs (peace be upon him) out of enthusiasm, God Almighty will give him the reward of 1000 Hajjs. And he writes the accepted Umrah and keeps him safe from the pressure of the grave…. (4)

5: Ablution: It has been narrated from the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) that he said: In a dream, I saw a man from my nation (Islam) who was prepared for the torment of the grave and the pressure of the grave. His ablution came forward and protected him from that torment and pressure. (5)

Note: Other factors have been mentioned in Islamic narrations to avoid the pressure of the grave, which are mentioned below for the sake of brevity:

6: Reading Surah Nisa on Friday (6)
7: Reading Surah Yasin (7)
8: Persistence in reciting Surah Zakharf (8)
9: Love of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him) (9)
10: The good deeds that the son of man does after the death of his father. (10)

How to avoid the torment and pressure of the grave

B: Factors increasing the pressure of the grave

In the previous section, some of the factors mentioned in Islamic narrations to reduce the pressure of the grave were mentioned. Since in the hadiths, some factors have been introduced as factors that increase the pressure of the grave, in the rest of this article, some of these factors are mentioned:

1: Chinese speech (11)

2: Not paying attention to prayer (12)

3: Abstaining from others (13)

4: Not having the guardianship of the Infallible Imams (peace be upon them) (14)

5: Mother’s dissatisfaction (15)

6: Wasting God’s blessings (16)

7: Bad morals with the family (17)

The above cases are only some of the factors that are counted in Islamic narrations to increase the pressure of the grave, which is enough for the sake of brevity.

How to pray panic prayer


According to the topics mentioned in this article, it is clear that the issue of pressure on the grave is an inevitable and undeniable issue, and what reduces or increases the amount of pressure on the grave is the actions that a person performs during his lifetime. Gives. Based on this, it is necessary to know the factors of reducing and increasing the pressure of the grave, and some of these factors were mentioned in the upcoming article.


  • (1). Majlesi, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar, vol.84, p.161, Beirut, Darahiya al-Tarath al-Arabi, second edition, 1403 A.H.
  • (2). Kalini, Muhammad bin Yaqoob, Al-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 321, Tehran, Darul Kitab al-Islamiya, 4th edition, 1407 AH.
  • (3). Al-Salmiyyah Sermons, p. 75.
  • (4). Mustardak al-Wasail, vol. 10, pp. 309 and 310.
  • (5). Rozeh al-Waezin (translation by Mahdavi Damghani), p. 492.
  • (6). The reward of good deeds and the punishment of sins, p. 272.
  • (7). Ibid., p. 290.
  • (8). Ibid., p. 296.
  • (9). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 7, p. 248.
  • (10). Kafi, vol. 6, pp. 3 and 4.
  • (11). The Causes of the Laws, Vol. 1, p. 310.
  • (12). Al-Mowaaz al-Salariyyah, pp. 232 and 233.
  • (13). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 6, p. 245.
  • (14). Ibid., p. 262.
  • (15). Jame Al-Sadat, vol. 2, p. 263.
  • (16). Amali Sheikh Sadouq (RA), p. 540.
  • (17). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 6, p. 220.

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