Remove dark circles around the eyes with 26 basic home remedies
How did you feel the last time you looked in the mirror at your dark circles and tried to cover them up with makeup? What is your reaction if we tell you that you have most likely played a role in creating these darknesses? And if we also say that How By doing simple things and small lifestyle changes, you can treat this condition, what will you do? We will help you in the treatment of dark circles around the eyes.
Dark circles around the eyes will make us look tired, pale and older than we really are and may give the impression to those around us that we may be sick. Follow the instructions below to treat dark circles around the eyes and get rid of these annoying pigments and finally have a fresher and more beautiful appearance.
Treatment of dark circles around the eyes
First of all, we must say that health does not happen overnight. If you are going to use any of these methods to treat dark circles around your eyes, be sure to give your body 4 to 6 weeks to heal and repair.
Try to be patient and know that if a method is described in this text, it must have been effective for some people. Due to individual differences, if you do not get results from any of these methods after this time, please try another method.
Causes of dark circles around the eyes
Except for the genetic factor and aging, which are among the causes of these dark spots, and we have no role in creating them; Usually it is us who create this complication for ourselves for various reasons. With a little change in lifestyle and nutrition, we can solve this problem in a short time. In this section, we listed some of the reasons for dark circles around the eyes:
- getting older
- Genetics
- Exposure to sunlight
- allergy
- Anemia
- Diseases that cause defects in the blood supply system
- depression
- Lack of sleep
- Not having a rich and proper diet
- smoking
- Etc
With a little patience and changing negative habits to positive habits, as well as using the methods we have explained in the text below, you will be able to fight this problem.
Eliminate dark circles around the eyes
There are various methods to treat dark circles around the eyes, such as home treatments using masks, drug treatment methods, and medical interventions, some of which we will mention. Please pay attention to the method of doing each of these things and to avoid allergic problems, be sure to test them before using them on the eyes.
Home remedies
Treat dark circles around your eyes using natural ingredients that are commonly found in every home.
1. Cold water compress
Use a cold water compress in the morning after waking up to reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eyes. You can also put two metal spoons in the freezer every night and massage them around your eyes for 5 to 10 minutes in the morning.
At the same time, store the cream or mask you use for the eye area in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling and to keep it cold when you use it.
2. Cucumber
Using cucumber rings is an old and very common method to hydrate and reduce complications in the eye area. Cucumber helps lighten the skin and will stimulate the muscles around the eyes by causing a slight contraction.
Cut the cucumber you took out of the refrigerator into rings and place the rings on your eyes. After about 10 minutes, wash your face with cold or lukewarm water.
3. Lemon juice + cucumber juice
Cucumber and lemon are both natural skin lighteners. Grate a cucumber and squeeze it through a strainer.
Then add some lemon juice to it and apply it around the eyes with cotton. You can dip two cosmetic pads in it and put it on the eyes. After a few minutes, wash with lukewarm water.
4. Rose
Most of us are aware of the healing properties of rose water for the skin. Rose water helps in rejuvenating the skin by providing water and creating whiteness and transparency in the skin. Put makeup pads dipped in rose water around your eyes and rest for about 15 minutes in the same position. If possible, try to repeat this twice a day to achieve the desired result.
5. Tomatoes
If you are aware of the benefits of tomatoes for heart and blood vessels and vision, we must say that tomatoes are also very useful for skin health because of the lycopenes in them. Mix tomato juice with some lemon juice and put it on the eyes with a cotton pad or makeup pad as before. After 10 minutes you can wash your face.
6. Cold tea bags
Green tea or black tea reduce inflammation due to their antioxidant properties. As a result, if you put them on the eyes, this property will affect the tissue of the area around the eyes and will help in reducing the inflammation of the capillaries under the eyes and as a result, blood will not leak from them. Place the soaked tea bag in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and then place it on your eyes for 10 minutes. Repeating this work over time will reveal this amazing property of tea to you.
7. Potatoes
You must have heard about skin whitening using potatoes. As a rich source of vitamin C, potatoes will help whiten the area around the eyes.
For this, it is better to use grated potato juice. Dip your makeup pad in potato juice and place it on the eyelids for a while and then wash it off. After some time the result will surprise you.
8. Aloe vera
The gel material inside the aloe vera plant is very useful in this type of treatment with the properties of soothing inflammation and hydration.
9. Orange juice
Like other citrus fruits, orange juice is a source of vitamin C and is also rich in vitamin A.
To use orange juice, mix it with a few drops of glycerin and apply it around the eyes in the same way as described in the previous cases.
10. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is considered a practical way to treat dark circles due to its hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties and moisturizing around the eyes. Apply coconut oil gently around the eyes and let it stay overnight until morning.
11. Turmeric
You may think that using turmeric will make your skin yellow, but we must say that it is not at all. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric will reduce the darkness around your eyes. Mix turmeric with rose water to make a paste. Then put it around the eyes and cover it with a wet cloth. After at least 10 minutes, you can wipe it off.
Oral treatment methods
If your body is faced with a lack of vitamins, water, etc. for any reason, symptoms such as dark circles around the eyes may appear in your appearance. Correcting nutrition and delivering nutrients to the body will help to remove dark circles around the eyes.
1. Water therapy
Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily will have amazing properties on your health. By providing enough water to your body, you will see its effect in the treatment of dark circles around the eyes.
2. Eat dark chocolate
It is interesting to know that dark chocolate is a rich source of flavonol that prevents aging. As a result, the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin will be reduced.
3. Omega 3
In general, foods containing omega-3 improve blood flow and circulation. Try to include foods such as salmon or trout, walnuts, avocados, flax seeds, chia seeds, soy, etc. in your daily diet and benefit from their properties.

Drug treatments
If home remedies do not work, some drug treatments will be effective.
1. Special cream around the eyes
It is better to start skin care before the age of 30 to prevent wrinkles around the eyes. Using eye creams, which are rich in ingredients and vitamins needed for skin health and also perform a hydrating action, is an excellent solution for treating dark circles around the eyes.
2. Anti-allergy loans
If you have allergies and are constantly scratching your face and eyes or even sneezing, use antihistamines under the supervision of a doctor to prevent the effects of allergies (inflammation and blood leakage from the capillaries around the eyes) and to help improve the dark circles around the eyes. do.
3. Vitamin E capsule
This vitamin helps to eliminate wrinkles and any signs of skin aging by eliminating free radicals. Before going to sleep, pierce the vitamin E capsule with a needle and apply a few drops of the liquid inside it gently around the eyes. Do this every night before going to bed and wash off the next morning.
Clinical treatment methods
In case your problem has a genetic basis and you did not succeed in treating the dark circles around your eyes by doing these methods, we recommend that you visit a specialist doctor to use the methods of its treatment.
1. Filler therapy
Injecting filler under the eyes will eliminate the dimples and reduce its darkness to a great extent. Among the disadvantages of this method, we can point out that it is not permanent and it needs to be renewed annually.
2. Laser therapy
To solve this type of problem, laser therapy is one of the expensive ways. Laser therapy with the technique of affecting pigments or shrinking the capillaries under the eyes is a practical treatment to solve this problem.

3. Massage therapy
There are different types of massage methods for the eye area, which help to treat dark circles by helping to improve the blood supply function around the eyes. If you learn how to do these massages, you can do them yourself at home.
Lifestyle modification

1. Exercise and meditation
Above, we listed depression as one of the main causes of darkness around the eyes. Regular exercise and meditation have a great effect in eliminating depression. Also, by improving the blood flow and releasing the hormones that are produced in the body, exercise will help to maintain the vitality and freshness of the skin and thus reduce the darkness around the eyes.
2. Remove your makeup
Be sure to remove your makeup (especially eye makeup) well before going to bed and let your skin breathe.
3. Wash your face with lukewarm water
Any shock to the skin may cause inflammation. Try to never wash your face with too cold or too hot water.
4. Improving nutrition
In the previous part, we mentioned the things that should be included in your diet. But you will take a right step towards your health by improving your diet and not using stimulating foods (to prevent allergies), sugar and artificial sugar, fats and processed materials and using more fruits and vegetables.
5. Sleep enough and on time
There are hormones in the body that are secreted from 10 pm to around 2 am and during sleep. If we are awake during these hours, the secretion of these hormones is stopped and causes depression and many other diseases. Also, lack of sleep causes excessive fatigue and finally the appearance of dark circles around the eyes. Also, try to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night.
6. Do not put your face on the pillow
Putting the face on the pillow, apart from creating wrinkles on the face and around the eyes, will make the darkness around the eyes more visible by disrupting the blood supply to the tissues of the face.

Finally, it must be said…
By observing the points that have been said, following the solutions provided for the treatment of dark circles around the eyes and changing your lifestyle, from now on, without using powder cream and concealer, let the self-confidence hidden in your beautiful smile and bright eyes shine on the perfect skin of those around you. make you admire.
By doing any of these methods to treat dark circles around the eyes, you must give your body time to heal and repair between 4 and 6 weeks.
Apart from the genetic factor and aging, which are among the causes of these dark circles, and the moon has no role in them, lifestyle changes and nutrition are also effective in causing dark circles around the eyes.
Yes, in this how-to, we have reviewed home remedies to remove dark circles around the eyes, which can be very effective.
No, dark circles around the eyes occur in both men and women, and the solutions to solve this problem are the same.