How to reduce a child's fever

How to reduce a child’s fever

for treatment and Reduce the child’s fever. There are different ways. Since the appearance of fever in children depends on several factors, it is better to know the reason for the appearance of fever in the child before taking any measures so that the best treatment can be carried out to reduce the child’s fever. Later on this As We are going to Ways to reduce fever in children. Let’s pay. Stay with us until the end.

A child’s fever is defined as a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher. So most doctors and treatment personnel consider this increase in temperature as a fever.

The body uses different methods to maintain its normal temperature. The main organs that are effective in this field are: the brain, muscles, blood vessels and skin. When changes in body temperature occur, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Increase or decrease in body sweating.
  • Blood further away from or closer to the skin surface of the body.
  • Loss or retention of water in the body.
  • The person needs to be placed in a cooler or warmer environment.
How to reduce a child's fever

The best time to reduce a child’s fever.

A fever that makes the child uncomfortable needs treatment. This treatment causes the body to fight infections and diseases more quickly and the child regains his health. Children between 6 months and 5 years old may have seizures due to fever. If the child has seizures, the chance of repeated seizures in the future increases and he or she may have seizures later. Children usually get through the febrile seizure without any problems. Additionally, this seizure does not mean that the child has epilepsy. However, there is no certainty that treating a child’s fever will reduce the chance of seizures.

What to do to reduce the child’s fever.

1. Take anti-fever medicine for children

At first it is better for the child to take an antipyretic such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Pay attention, never give aspirin to your child; Because this drug increases the risk of contracting a fatal disease called Reye syndrome at a young age. The dosage of this type of drug is usually prescribed according to the child’s weight. If the child has not been weighed recently or has grown a lot during this period, the doctor will weigh him or her before prescribing the medication.

If the child is not bothered by the fever, it may not be necessary to take antipyretic medications. These types of medications will help a child with a high fever feel better until his body temperature drops.

2. Choose cool clothes

It is better not to cover your child with thick clothing and also use a thin sheet or blanket so that the child feels comfortable and cool. Covering the baby too much can prevent the body from cooling naturally.

3. Adjust the temperature of the house

Keep your home and child’s room cool. The coolness of space can prevent them from overheating and increasing their body temperature.

4. Bathe the child with warm water

Try bathing the baby with warm water. so that you constantly control its heat. Avoid using cold water during bathing. Because this can make your child shake. Therefore, his body temperature will increase. Immediately after bathing, dry your child well and dress him in light clothing.

How to reduce a child's fever
Bathe the baby with warm water

Bathing with alcohol or using wet wipes is not recommended; Because it can be harmful and not help reduce the child’s fever.

5. Liquid consumption

Usually when a child has a fever, his body is dehydrated. Therefore, it is better to constantly give water, fruit juice or milk (if the baby has a fever). To ensure that the body is not dehydrated, it is best to ensure that the child’s mouth is moist and the amount of urine is wet.

When should we call a doctor?

If the following symptoms appear in the child, it is better to contact the doctor as soon as possible and, if necessary, take the child to a medical center or hospital:

  • If your child is 3 months or younger and has a fever above 38 degrees; Because fever in babies can indicate a serious illness or infection. Although fever in older children may be due to a a cold be simple
  • Your child, at any age, will have a fever above 40 degrees.
  • Your child is less than two years old and the fever above 38 degrees has lasted more than a day.
  • The child feels very uncomfortable, restless and cannot calm down.
How to reduce a child's fever
Treatment of childhood fever by a doctor.

Why does body temperature increase?

When your child has a fever, the body continues to do its job of controlling body temperature. But in this case you have only set the thermostat to a higher temperature. That is why the body temperature is higher than its normal value and does not decrease. Body temperature increases for several reasons:

  • Chemicals called cytokines are produced in the body. These substances are secreted in response to attack by a microorganism or other intruders in the body.
  • When a child has a fever, the macrophages in his body increase. These are the cells that have the task of destroying the aggressors. In such a way that they eat the invading organism and destroy it.
  • When the body contracts an infection, the body’s natural antibodies are produced to fight the infection. This way, if the body contracts this infection again, the antibodies recognize it and destroy it immediately.
  • Many bacteria that exist in nature are covered by a membrane. When this membrane ruptures, its contents can be toxic to the body. These substances produce and stimulate the brain to increase temperature.

Reasons that cause fever in a child.

Many things can cause your child to have a fever. Factors such as:

  • infectious diseases
  • Take certain medications
  • heatstroke
  • blood injection
  • The presence of disorders in the child’s brain.
  • Some types of cancer
  • Some types of autoimmune diseases

What are the benefits of fever?

As you know, fever is not considered a disease and in reality it is not. Rather, it is a signal to the body that shows that the body is fighting a disease or infection. When a person has a fever, the body’s immune system is stimulated and sends white blood cells and other fighting cells toward the invader. Therefore, these cells increase in number and begin to destroy the disease.

What are the signs that your child has a fever?

Children who have a fever may feel uncomfortable as their body temperature rises. If the child’s fever exceeds 38 degrees Celsius, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Your child may not be as active and energetic as usual and may feel tired and bored.
  • Being capricious and not hungry can be symptoms of fever in a child.
  • The child is thirstier than usual.
  • Your child may feel a rise in temperature as heat. But this does not mean that his body temperature is very high. Rather, the temperature should be measured.
How to reduce a child's fever
Symptoms of fever in a child.

The symptoms of a child’s fever may be similar to those of other illnesses. Doctors believe that if your child is less than three months old and has a fever of 38 degrees or higher, she should definitely see a doctor. If you are not sure about the advice you are given, it is better to visit him in person so that there are no problems with the child’s health.

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Things not to do

When a child has a fever it is better to avoid doing certain things. Because they may not help and, on the contrary, worsen the child’s condition:

  • If the child has a high and severe fever and his condition is unfavorable, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible and not delay this work.
  • Do not give your child medicine without measuring his body temperature and without consulting the doctor.
  • Never use medications intended for adults on your child.
  • Avoid covering your baby with thick clothing.
  • Do not use ice or alcohol to reduce the child’s body temperature.

Usually, the child’s fever will decrease by following the points mentioned above and there will be no problem. But if the fever does not subside and continues for more than a day, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that the child’s fever can be treated.

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