How to make homemade cherry jam + golden tips

How to make homemade cherry jam + golden tips

If you are a fan of jam, you probably like the taste of cherry jam. One of the best things about cherry jam is that you can make it both sweet and sour! In this article, we are going to learn together to make delicious cherry jam in a simple way. So if you also like to learn how to make cherry jam at home and prepare it yourself, read to the end of the article with How be with

How to make homemade cherry jam + golden tips

Ingredients for making cherry jam

Before anything else, we go to the raw materials necessary to prepare cherry jam. All the ingredients you need to make cherry jam are ingredients that you can easily get from the market.

One of the advantages of making homemade cherry jam is that, in addition to having peace of mind about the quality and health of the jam, you can make it with little preparation cost.

The basic ingredients and the amount stated in the table below are the size of two jars for making cherry jam, and you can change the size of the basic ingredients according to the amount you plan to make and prepare cherry jam.

Raw material Amount required
cherry 1 kg
Sugar 2 cups
vanilla To the extent necessary
Lemon juice To the extent necessary

How to make cherry jam step by step

Now it’s time to make cherry jam. Note that this is not difficult to do and you can make it as simple as possible.

How to make homemade cherry jam + golden tips

How to be with us so that we can prepare and prepare it professionally and in the most delicious way with a step-by-step tutorial on how to make cherry jam.

Prepare the cherries

first stage: The wood and leaves of the cherries should be removed at the beginning. Now you have to wash the cherries so that they are completely clean. For this purpose, you can put the cherries in a relatively large container filled with cold water so that if there is any garbage between the cherries, they can be separated and cleaned completely. After about 20 minutes, drain the cherries several times until they are completely clean. Put the cherries in a colander to drain their excess water.

second stage: It is time to separate the cores of the cherries. You can use two methods to do this.

The first method is to use your hand to remove the core of the cherry, which is a bit difficult. But in the second method, you can easily use the core removal device to do this.

Do not throw away the cherry kernels, collect them in a container and pour some boiling water on the kernels and set aside.

Preparation of jam ingredients for baking

third level: Choose a suitable pot for cooking jam and pour the cherries into it in layers. It means adding a layer of cherries, then a layer of sugar. Some people add cherries to the pot at this stage, which is completely wrong and causes the sugar not to spread completely. Do this (layer by layer) until you run out of materials.

Fourth step: Now, in order for the cherries to drain beautifully, it is enough to close the lid of the container in which you poured the ingredients and leave it in the refrigerator for at least a day. This will make the cherries water and ready.

Cooking cherries

The fifth step: After a day, remove the pot from the refrigerator and put it on high heat until the cherries start to boil.

The sixth stage: At this stage, it’s time to use the core of the cherries that you put aside. You have to pass them through a strainer and add the collected water to the pot.

After the water in the pot boils, you need to reduce the bottom of the pot so that the jam does not settle. Set the flame to low heat.

Attention: Foams will accumulate on the surface of the jam during cooking, which you must collect. You can also use a spoon for this. By doing this, your jam will be colorful and transparent. If you do not do this, your jam will be cloudy.

The seventh step: Let the jam cook for 10 to 15 minutes on low heat. Test the concentration of nectar (water). To test, it is enough to pour one tablespoon of nectar into a bowl or container. Put the container in the refrigerator for 2-3 minutes to cool down. Test if the nectar is elastic, remove the jam from the heat, otherwise, let it stay on the heat until its concentration increases.

How to make homemade cherry jam + golden tips

The last thing is to cool the jam

The eighth stage: Your most important task at this stage. Check the thickness of the jam carefully. Because if the jam is too thick, it will cause sugar and if it is too watery, it will cause the jam to mold. So stay on top of the pot for the last few minutes to check its nectar.

If you like, before turning off the pot, you can add a teaspoon of vanilla to the jam to make it tasty.

The ninth stage: Leave the jam container to cool. While the jam is cooling, it is better to prepare the container in which you want to pour the jam. We suggest you to use a glass container to store the jam. The work is done. Your cherry jam is ready to eat.

How to make sour cherry jam

Some people like the taste of cherry jam a little sour. If you are one of those people, you can easily make sour cherry trainers. All you have to do is add some lemon juice to the jam in the last minutes of cooking and stir. With this, your jam will taste a little sour.

10 golden tips for making and preserving cherry jam

Making cherry jam is very simple and easy to make, but there are some tips that you can follow to make a more delicious jam. In the following, we have listed the best tips for making jam.

How to make homemade cherry jam + golden tips

1. One of the easiest things you can do to make excellent and delicious jam is choosing fresh cherries. By doing this, you can definitely improve the taste and quality of your jam.

2. Before starting to make jam, don’t forget to wash the cherry and remove the core.

3. Do not overuse sugar! Add the right amount of sugar to the cherries to give the desired flavor to the cherry jam. Using too much sugar may cause jam!

4. Adding a few teaspoons of fresh lemon juice to the jam adds to its taste and freshness and also helps the cherry jam to have a nice red color. Of course, if you like, you can also add a little cardamom or cinnamon to the jam.

5. Do not forget to test the jam concentration. To check the consistency of the jam, dip a spoon in the jam and if it is easy to carry on the spoon and does not stick anywhere, the jam is thick enough. If the concentration of the jam is low, you can boil it more.

6. Before pouring the cherry jam into the jars, wash and disinfect the jars completely. This prevents the growth of bacteria and spoilage of the jam.

7. After pouring the jam into the jars, close the lids of the jars properly and store the jars in the refrigerator. This will keep the jam fresh longer and prevent possible spoilage.


The way to prepare cherry jam is very simple and you can easily prepare it yourself at home. We hope that with the help of these tips, you will be able to prepare a delicious jam.

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