How to get rid of stretch marks
Stretch marks, striae or stretch marks, which are also known by other names such as pregnancy stretch marks, fat lines, etc., are actually linear scars that are accompanied by atrophy (analysis) and skin depression. Stretch marks can be seen in both women and men, but its prevalence is much higher among women. These indented veins usually appear on the surface of the skin of the abdomen, breasts, thighs and buttocks. Pregnancy stretch marks are more common during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. There is no definitive cure for stretch marks, but there are certain treatment methods that help to fade these annoying lines and improve the appearance of the affected skin. Stretch marks are not painful or dangerous in any way and do not pose a threat to your skin or general health, but many people are concerned about their unsightly appearance.

Factors that increase the risk of stretch marks
- being female
- Having a family history of stretch marks
- Pregnancy, especially for younger women
- Being overweight or obese
- Sudden weight gain or loss
- Long-term use of corticosteroids
- Performing breast surgery
- Cushing's syndrome, Marfan's syndrome or some other types of genetic disorders

Removing stretch marks with medical methods
Topical retinoid creams
0.1% trenitoin (retinoic acid) creams can be effective in the early treatment of postpartum abdominal pain. But in late treatments, the results have been different. Tretinoin is commonly known by its brand name Metin-E. Pregnant women and those under medical care should not use this medicine. Tretinoin is absorbed by the upper layer of the skin and regenerates collagens. This is why this drug is effective in treating stretch marks in some patients. Tretinoin is only available with a prescription. This drug has the best results in the treatment of new stretch marks, so timely and early treatment is extremely effective. When the stretch marks turn white or gray, tretinoin is no longer effective.
Pulsed laser
In this treatment method, light sparks are injected painlessly on newly formed cracks that are red in color. Light energy heals the blood vessels under the skin that cause these symptoms.
Fractional carbon dioxide laser
It is a new treatment to remove old and white stretch marks. A study has shown that women who used this laser, compared to women who used glycolic acid and tretinoin creams, had fewer stretch marks after five sessions.
Chemical peels
Skin peels are chemical peels that are applied to the desired area and chemically burn and then remove the top layer of the skin and help treat acne, acne and fine wrinkles. Some people also use exfoliators to reduce or remove stretch marks during pregnancy and skin. Exfoliators do not remove the original cracks, and to achieve the desired result and soft and smooth skin, side exfoliators should be used once every 6 months.
In this method, small crystals are drawn on the surface of the skin. If this method is performed along with skin peeling, it helps to eliminate new and red skin cracks.
Radio frequency or fractional RF
Araf or radio frequency (RF) is one of the newest methods in the treatment of abdominal and skin cracks, in which the body is stimulated to make new collagen. Araf is not painful because the skin is not burned in this method, but this method is considered an expensive treatment. In this method, 4 to 6 treatment sessions are needed to completely eliminate stretch marks. Cellulite treatment may also be needed during treatment.
Microneedling needles create microscopic incisions in the skin and slimming cracks, and the body reacts to these incisions by making new collagen in these areas. This natural reaction of the body heals the damage in the middle layer of the skin that causes stretch marks. Microneedling does not affect the top layer of the skin, and by regenerating collagens, only stretch marks are treated.
The newest and in many cases the most effective treatment for stretch marks, when treating stretch marks with Tixel, the device is set to medium penetration and long contact time so that the device has a function similar to an ablative laser. Tixel is an ideal way to make a significant improvement in the condition of skin affected by stretch marks or stretch marks. This function of the Tixel device makes the damaged skin firmer and firmer, and the traces of stretch marks are removed from it. Another method of treating stretch marks with Tixel, which is called Mesothixel, is the use of short-time surface penetration settings. In this way, tiny and microscopic channels are created on the surface of the skin, through which active and suitable therapeutic substances for the repair of stretch marks can be introduced into the skin and its effect in the depth of the skin can be multiplied. In this way, we can conclude Tixel; It has the therapeutic benefits of all previous methods, i.e. abrasive lasers, microdermabrasion, microneedling, mesotherapy alone, and for this reason, it is the most popular treatment method for stretch marks.
Plastic Surgery
Abdominal skin tightening is done by removing excess skin and pulling and tightening the skin and its tissue. These methods are usually recommended to those who have loose skin due to weight loss or childbirth. These methods are not specifically designed to eliminate stretch marks, but the elimination of stretch marks when removing excess skin is considered one of their advantages.

home treatment
Hot coconut oil to treat stretch marks
Thanks to the richness of fatty acids that coconut oil has, it is a useful and effective treatment for keeping the skin hydrated and elastic. Using it reduces stretch marks and after a while, and with a lot of persistence, they disappear.
ingredients :
2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 ml).
First, heat the coconut oil using the bath water heating method.
When the oil is heated, turn off the stove.
Apply hot coconut oil on the stretch marks and be careful not to burn the skin.
It is recommended to do this after taking a bath.
Repeat the massage in a circle every day.
The amount of oil depends on the amount of stretch marks on your body.
Coconut oil and Vitamin E To treat cracked skin
Vitamin E , generally provided for moisturizing properties and to help the skin. And it has anti-aging properties. Apply this type of coconut oil treatment every day and see profound changes in stretch marks and scars in a short period of time.
2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 ml)
The second method is to use coconut oil with vitamin E capsules to treat stretch marks
Heat the coconut oil according to the first method.
Open five vitamin E capsules and mix the contents with coconut oil.
Apply the mixture on your skin, and massage it in a circular motion.
Wait for 10 minutes and then wash with water.
Repeat this process two or three times a day.
Lemon juice and lightening stretch marks
Lime juice has a thousand and one amazing properties. Lime juice is rich in acid and vitamin C, it has the property of cleaning dead cells, fades the scars to some extent and significantly reduces the signs of stretch marks.
Cut the lemon in half
Gently rub half a lemon on the marks and cracks in a circular motion. Repeat this movement for at least 15 minutes (the time needed to effectively absorb the properties of lemon) and rinse the body with lukewarm water until the job is finished.
Aloe vera is a plant that helps regenerate skin tissue and thus has miraculous properties. Remove the fresh gel from the aloe vera leaf and massage it in the cracked area and let it stay on the skin for 20 to 30 minutes; Then wash it with lukewarm water. Do this on a daily basis.
olive oil
why not? The healing effects of olive oil have been proven to treat many skin conditions, including stretch marks and acne scars. It's worth a try since it's full of antioxidants and super nutrients. According to the results obtained from the research of the specialized skin and beauty team in Germany, olive oil is one of the most effective methods of preventing and treating stretch marks.
2 to 3 spoons of olive oil
Pour a spoonful of olive oil on your hand and gently rub it on the cracked surfaces (which improves blood circulation and significantly reduces the cracks).
Allow the olive oil to remain on your skin for at least 30 minutes so that its nutrients are completely absorbed by your skin (this 30 minutes is enough to absorb all vitamins E, B and C).
tip: Repeat this process once a day for effectiveness.