Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment

Back pain has become one of the common pains among today’s societies. Sitting for a long time behind a chair, reducing mobility, standing for a long time, lifting heavy loads and sudden movements can cause or aggravate back pain. Also, complications such as cross legs, flat feet, and severe lumbar depression will also cause back pain among people. Back pain makes you unable to do many activities and disrupts your life and sleep. However, by performing certain exercises, this back pain can be greatly reduced and in some cases, completely cured. In this article from How We will teach you the best movements to treat back pain and provide you with very key recommendations to prevent the development of back pain. So if you have back pain, be sure to follow this article to the end.

Back pain and its causes:

In the past, when the lifestyle of people was healthy and there was no news of sitting behind the chair for long periods of time, if someone suffered from back pain, it was considered to be related to things such as displacement of the back vertebrae and structural problems. But in today’s world, there are many factors that can make even the healthiest people suffer from back pain.

Decreased mobility, sitting for long periods with incorrect posture, standing for long periods and sleeping on non-standard mattresses can cause and aggravate back pain. Housewives are more exposed due to many and destructive activities such as standing for a long time behind the gas and the sink, performing movements outside the permissible physical range such as standing up on one’s toes and stretching hands, picking things up from the cabinets, and also moving heavy household items. Back pain is placed.

If you have back pain, you can perform the back pain treatment movements that we will introduce to you. Of course, if you have a history of back pain from the beginning, consult your doctor before doing back pain treatment exercises.

Back pain treatment movements:

Back pain treatment movements are a collection of the best exercises to reduce back pain and also strengthen back muscles. Performing these movements in the long term can reduce your back pain and improve your physical condition. The following movements can be mentioned among the best movements for back pain treatment.

1- piecewise sit-up movement:

Stretching and sitting in pieces is one of the most useful movements for treating back pain. The form of the body to perform this movement is the same as a regular sit-up, except that in this movement, you do not bring your upper body completely towards your knees. You must use a mat to perform this movement because performing this movement on a hard floor may aggravate your back pain. If you don’t have a mat, you can put a blanket under you.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • Lie on the floor in a squatting position and place your hands on the chest in a crossed position.
  • Raise your upper body slightly by contracting the abdominal muscles and taking help from the waist, and then return to the original position.

In the beginning days, do this movement in 3 sets of 10. In the following days, you can increase the number of repetitions in each set to 15 and 20 times.

2 – Movement of the bridge:

The bridge movement is one of the most famous movements for treating back pain and is used to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, fillets and abdomen. This movement can reduce your back pain and be useful for back pain treatment.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • Lie on the floor and bring your legs together by bending your knees. Place the hands parallel to the upper body on the floor.
  • With the help of your hands, legs, and back muscles, lift your lower back off the floor until it is in a straight line from your knees to your chest.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.

Do this movement in 3 sets of 15 and rest for 1 minute between each set.

3- movement of concavity and convexity of the back (Cat & Cow):

The movement of concavity and convexity behind is a kind of stretching movement. This movement is one of the movements for treating back pain and reduces back muscle spasms.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • By placing your hands and feet on the floor from the knees down, get into a quadrupedal shape. Adjust the distance between your hands to the width of your shoulders and the distance between your feet to the width of your waist.
  • Now make your spine concave and keep your head straight and facing the horizon. Breathe in this state.
  • Then arch the spine and keep your head down and facing the knees. In this case, release your breath.

Repeat this movement periodically for 1 to 2 minutes.

4- Movement of the child’s pose:

The movement of the child’s pose reduces the tension on the hip and hamstring muscles and relieves the pain in your spine, neck and back.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • Place your hands and knees on the floor. Then roll your hips back to rest on your heels.
  • Place your stomach on your thighs and stretch your hands in front of you. In this case, breathe slowly.

Keep this position for 1 to 2 minutes.

5 – Superman’s movement:

This movement cures back pain and strengthens the muscles supporting the spine and pelvis. In this movement, you will shape your body in the Superman mode, and that is the reason for the name of this movement.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • Lie on the floor and stretch your arms and legs well on the floor.
  • Then lift your hands and feet off the ground. It is better for your hands and feet to be 15 cm away from the ground. Keep your neck straight as you move.
  • Remain in this position for 2 seconds and then return to your starting position.

Repeat this movement up to 10 times. Also, be careful that while lifting your arms and legs, use your central muscles well and stretch your arms and legs.

6- knee to chest stretching movement:

Knee to chest stretch movement is another back pain treatment movement that relaxes your hip and thigh muscles.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • Lie on the floor and bring your legs towards you by bringing your knees together.
  • Lift one of your legs and pull it towards your chest with the help of your hands. Be careful that your hips do not lift off the floor while performing this movement.
  • Maintain this position for 1 to 3 minutes and breathe slowly to release any tension in your muscles.
  • Now do this movement for your other leg.

7 – Planck movement:

All athletes know the plank movement to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but you may be interested to know that this movement is also effective for treating back pain. Doing this movement is very simple and doing it regularly can strengthen your central muscles.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • Place your hands on the ground from the forearms and your toes.
  • Keep your body perfectly aligned. You can bend your back very slightly to reduce the pressure on your back.
  • Stay in this position for 10 to 30 seconds and then rest.

You can do this movement 3 times a day.

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8 – Cobra movement:

Cobra movement is one of the best stretching movements for treating back pain and correcting spinal curvature. Cobra movement will reduce tension and cramping of your back and fillet muscles.

Back pain treatment + best exercises for back pain treatment
  • Lie on your stomach on the floor.
  • Place your palms on the floor and lift your upper body off the floor. Your body should form an arc while performing this movement.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and then rest.

You can do Cobra exercise up to 5 times.

Important tips for treating back pain

Back pain is one of the common problems among people of all ages, which is usually caused by bad habits. However, back pain can be cured to a great extent by performing back pain treatment movements. Also, in order to prevent the aggravation of back pain during training, it is necessary to leave your bad habits. Things like sleeping on non-standard mattresses, sitting incorrectly on a chair, insufficient sleep, lifting heavy objects, making sudden movements, using inappropriate shoes, carrying heavy bags, and finally walking badly, are things that can be used to treat back pain. You have to leave.

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Also, back pain treatment movements are effective when done regularly. So to treat your back pain, do the introduced movements regularly.

Keep in mind that performing the movements taught at high speed or with insufficient precision is not only ineffective for treating back pain, but can also increase your back pain. So be careful how to do these movements.


Performing back pain treatment exercises regularly is a very effective way to reduce back pain and while reducing back pain, it strengthens your hip and back muscles and increases your range of motion. In this article, we have taught you a series of the best movements for treating back pain. By performing these movements daily, you can prevent the development of your back pain and improve your quality of life.

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